Juice from pear and apple

100% fruit content

Pears are well known for reducing bad cholesterol levels and stomach problems like acidity, ulcers and constipation. Pear and apple juice is one of the best to beat dehydration. Juice is packed with vitamins, minerals and powerful components including vitamin C, potassium, copper, vitamin K, various B vitamins, anthocyanins, flavonols, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as various other polyphenolic compounds and antioxidants. 

700 ml 200 ml







180 kJ

43 kcal

< 0,1 g

< 0,03 g

10,1 g

9,5 g

< 0,1 g


180 kJ 43 kcal


< 0,1 g


< 0,03 g


10,1 g


9,5 g


< 0,1 g

All products

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Smodin d. o. o. Vogrsko 131, 5293 Volčja Draga, Slovenija t: +386 40 631 808 info@smodin.si www.smodin.si 

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