Made from freshly squeezed fruit

rich in

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Grape Juice

Grape Juice

Juice from pear and apple

Juice from pear and apple

Apple juice

Apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Cloudy apple juice

Orange juice

Orange juice

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from peach and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Juice from red beet and apple

Smodin juice

Our juices are made from hand-picked, fresh fruit that has grown on the trees in our carefully cultivated orchards. The selected fruits are processed to preserve as many natural components as possible. Enjoy Smodin Juice, feel nature.

Smodin d. o. o. Vogrsko 131, 5293 Volčja Draga, Slovenija t: +386 40 631 808 

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